Submission Information

Workshop submissions will be electronic, in PDF format only, using the EasyChair submission system. Paper length should not exceed 12 pages in the Springer LNCS format. Guidelines and templates are available on the Springer website, at

Three members of the program committee will review each submission. A review form will direct submitters to evaluate submissions for appropriateness, technical strength, originality, presentation, and overall evaluation.

Papers will be published in accompanying proceedings. Provided that the quantity and quality of submissions justifies a book or special journal issue on context aware systems, authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions for such a publication.

All workshop participants must register both for this workshop and the main HCP 2008 conference. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop.

Submission Webpage

Authors of accepted papers can submit their camera ready versions at:

Last modified: Monday, 2008-06-16 15:56 UTC.